
Showing posts from September, 2019

Build REST API using Laravel Lumen for your Application So without wasting time lets  build our REST API . Contents  [ hide ] 1  Build REST API using Lumen Video Tutorial 2  Tools Required 3  Database Design 4  Creating Lumen Project 5  Lumen Directory Structure 6  Setting Up Database 7  Building Database Schema 7.1  Creating Migrations 7.2  Designing Database Schema 7.2.1  Users Schema 7.2.2  Categories Schema 7.2.3  Questions Schema 7.2.4  Answers Schema 7.3  Making Migration 8  Making Models 8.1  Enabling Eloquent 8.2  User Model 8.3  Question Model 8.4  Category Model 8.5  Answer Model 9  Making Controllers 9.1  User Controller 9.2  Question Controller 9.3  Category Controller 9.4  Answer Controller 9.5  Creating URL EndPoints 10  Testing the API 11  Adding Basic Authentication 11.1  Creating a MiddleWare 11.2  Sending Request with Basic Auth 12  Things I Left in this API 13  Build REST API using Laravel Lumen Source C